Collaborative Pathways for Inquiry Based Education
Piloting a Humanities Education Partnership
During the 2022/2023 academic year St. Bonaventure University had a National Endowment for the Humanities Connections Planning Grant to improve collaboration between adolescent education and history.
Dr. Phillip Payne (me) and Dr. Gabriel Swarts conceived of the idea to as a way to improve teacher preparation. The grant focused on key areas: professional development (especially around technology), inquiry based teaching, and public-facing project-based assignments.
Dr. Emily Sherwood and Dr. Michael Kramer conducted workshops for faculty and staff. In addition, we had a series of brown bag workshops on topics ranging across pedagogy, technology, and historical literacy.
Professor Chris Dalton worked with the Cuba Circulating Library on a local history project in his historical methods class, resulting in a digital project that he shared with the Cuba, NY community.
Dr. Michael Kramer of SUNY Brockport presents on his work at a grant funded workshop
Professor William Christopher Dalton presents at the Cuba Circulating Library on the local history project students in hs class completed.